COVID Endemic Journey Day 1
Woke up on a Sunday morning with a pounding headache, a runny nose and felt like I was drowning on land. Grabbed an ART (Antigen Rapid Test Kit) and took nose swabs, while sneezing like crazy. Within minutes, I saw two lines appearing on my test kit. Alarm bells ringing inside my head, I rush back into the bedroom and tell my husband my positive test results. We shooed the kids out of the room as quickly as possible, and I took a second test, just to be sure. And there was no mistake. Damn. I got COVID.
Quickly sent out a group whatsapp to the family telling them my positive status. Drove to the nearest clinic, and got my PRC swab tests done by a professional. In the waiting room, there were so many others like myself, who have all tested positive at home with our ART kits. Found out that I'm running a high fever, and my 3rd ART test shows that I am positive. Doctor advises me to return home for Home Recovery Program.
Phone pinging! My 2 year old (Tobi aka The Bread Supervisor), my mum, my helper have also tested positive. My husband and my older son test negative. So we make plans over whatsapp to isolate in different parts of the house, so as to not cross contaminate. In our adjoining house, our elderly extended family test negative, so we seal off that part of the house, in hopes that they will remain COVID free.
Frantically trying to find out what we are suppose to do while in Home Recovery, we find out that we don't have enough ART test kits at home. Husband does a quick dash to the pharmacy to grab another 20 kits. However, by evening time, he starts to feel poorly, and tests positive. Fatigue, headaches, runny noses and fevers, we hunker down for the night not quite sure what we will do.
Fingers crossed.